Following up my household encounter with buddy who wanted me to switch electrical companies, the very next day a rep from Energy Directly starts knocking on my door. I have no doubt they sent a pretty girl to reverse the all the people deceived into switching providers to save 3.5 cents a year.
It's official. I think it is infinitely more rude to ring peoples doorbell than hearing your door chimes and not answering. Get off my property!
Speaking of getting off my property, I have a story to tell. But actually, let's switch gears. Why? I had an unconventional guest in my house for dinner. There was an interesting turn of events, but I have to process first. Anyways,
Kurt Wagner.
Also known as The Amazing Nightcrawler!
Unfortunately, that has nothing to do with what's coming next. Anyways.
I was thinking about my health and the susceptible heart I have. I've been trying to get more exercise and lost a little weight, but I wonder if that's enough. If, inevitably, I'll still have to install wires into my heart like my old man. Or for that matter, deal with a messed up digestive tract during my mid life crisis. Wouldn't it be funny if even after eating healthy and doing my best to take care of my body, I overexert myself and my heart exploded?
I'm intoxicated (Crown Royal)
I'm out
PS. I did not open the door for the Energy Directly girl... Cause I didn't switch anything