Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Token Lunch

My friend and I go out for lunches where we rant and rave, complement and complain.  We alternate paying for each other's lunches cause we figure its less of a pain in the ass and it works out ultimately at the end.

After all these years, I finally suggest that we use a token system to keep track of who's turn it is to pay.  If you have the token, hand it over and you get a free lunch!  I'm not going to mint a gold coin, so I folded up a glorious piece of paper and drew this:

I asked my friend to draw something on the other side too.  Will it happen?  I know he's reading this...


This is the same guy who collected multiple lunches and asked if he owed me...


He tried to pay me in Japanese Yen


He does not own a cell phone.  If we get split up, I can't track him down.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Not too long ago

in a Magic Kingdom far,
far away...
Cheer is my ally

I remember when Disney bought Marvel

One last round before its official Mr. Logan?