Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Serious Enemy Within

Happy New Year!  Which also means... Steam had their usual Christmas sale.

But I was good this year and only bought 1 thing.  And it was an expansion, AND it was half off...
Fired it up, and it felt like putting on an old shoe.  I thought I'd just continue off the old game, but actually no.  You start have to start all over again.  Which is fine.  But, for this "Second Wave" I'm not going to get too invested in it, just fire and forget.  Actually, I've already gotten more soldiers killed than promoted.  Ooops.

Guess what else I played over the break?

Again, fire and forget.  I didn't pick it up this Christmas.  I was just reminded I bought it waaay back when.  So I installed it and was pleasantly surprised it's still being updated.  Nice!


Make that 2 things I bought.  I cracked on Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition.