Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Uh HoH, ok

Feeling more than a little under the weather.  Made some warm honey lemon water.  Yum.
Tonight's short post is Malphite.

Shard of the Monolith

Hoping Riot Games releases more champions like Jinx.  She's crazy =/  Check out the music video.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Body Found, LoL

I watched a fake documentary.  Or as I like to call it, a f'ockumentary.  On mermaids.

What a sweet waste of time.  Apparently some teens found a washed up body of a mermaid and there's a huge cover up.  If you, uh, think there's a conspiracy, it's a hoax man.

It's not real.  I mean Nami, is more real!  And she's in LoL.

Plus, she's not as nasty looking.

Got to get back into eshape playing esports.  I admit I'm getting rusty.  But, no shortcuts.  This is something I'm going to do right and and take my time.

Adagio summoner!

Thanks Sona...