Saturday, June 29, 2013


I had a dream once.

That I'd be able to stream through a dungeon on my Nexus 7.  Enter Legend of Grimrock.  I fired it up and got even more excited when I found out that I can import my own character portraits.  So after many lunches with the travel sketchbook, I finally scanned them in.

The Tank

The Rogue

The Chick

The Squishy

Looking colour them up but, I'm not entirely sure where that's going to go.  As for the game itself, I, well, never touched it again.  XCOM got in the way.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Pencil Glaze

Buddy finally coated the controller I pencilled.  Check it out:

Still works after reassembly.  I think?

I wish there was less glare reflecting off.  On second thought, it makes sense.  The light coming coming out of the high-beams.  LOL!  haha.  It was a woman who came up with that one.  No, really...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Flip Flop

Following up my household encounter with buddy who wanted me to switch electrical companies, the very next day a rep from Energy Directly starts knocking on my door.  I have no doubt they sent a pretty girl to reverse the all the people deceived into switching providers to save 3.5 cents a year.

It's official.  I think it is infinitely more rude to ring peoples doorbell than hearing your door chimes and not answering.  Get off my property!

Speaking of getting off my property, I have a story to tell.  But actually, let's switch gears.  Why?  I had an unconventional guest in my house for dinner.  There was an interesting turn of events, but I have to process first.  Anyways,

Kurt Wagner.

Also known as The Amazing Nightcrawler!

Unfortunately, that has nothing to do with what's coming next.  Anyways.

I was thinking about my health and the susceptible heart I have.  I've been trying to get more exercise and lost a little weight, but I wonder if that's enough.  If, inevitably, I'll still have to install wires into my heart like my old man.  Or for that matter, deal with a messed up digestive tract during my mid life crisis.  Wouldn't it be funny if even after eating healthy and doing my best to take care of my body, I overexert myself and my heart exploded?

I'm intoxicated (Crown Royal)
I'm out

PS. I did not open the door for the Energy Directly girl...  Cause I didn't switch anything

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

knock knock

*open door*

Dude "Hi, I'm Ian from FlowerPower Electric.  I just want to make sure you're getting a fair rate for your power.  Can you tell me how much you're paying for your bill?  I'll wait here"
Monkey King "Uh, oh, ok...Uh"

*close door*

Green Queen "Who was that?"
Monkey King "Oh, ok...Power.  Bill.  Check.  Uh"
Green Queen "We're not interested"
Monkey King "ok..."
Little Princess "Door!  Door!"

*open door*

Monkey King "Hey man, you got shut down"
Dude "Wha?"
Monkey King "Yeah, sorry.  Try to have a nice evening"
Dude "Huh?"  Looks at me all befuddled.
Little Princess "Daddy!"


HAHAHA!  The look on his face was GOLD!  He was so confused and didn't know what to write on his clip board.  Imagine a Neanderthal trying to figure out...square peg, round hole???


Little Princess "Daddy!"
I love my little girl =)

Monday, June 3, 2013

New Champions

I finally saved up enough points to unlock Fiora.  Yay!  And that's where I've been all this time.  Playing LoL.  I wish I didn't have an addictive personality, but I'm so in a tail spin right now.  Is there a LoL Anonymous somewhere?

My name is Ron...
And I have a problem...

Who's that in the corner?  Corki!  He was a another champion I unlocked, but never gave much attention.  He's good to play, if your team needs a steady support guy to hold the fort down.

My hands are twiching.  C'YA!!