Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sun Study

Another school renovation.  This time the focus on entrance and lobby.  This much glazing can only mean one thing.  Sweet natural lighting.

Imagine standing in the same spot for a day

...during high summer.  Warm!

Cut away of the lobby and reception area

Main entrance

Exterior facade treated with gold glass to match earthy browns of the post and columns.  Plus, it look's like the building's sporting some Gunnars.  I can dig it.

Hmmm.  Those would be nice.  I should add that to my wish list.  =)

Monday, September 22, 2014

School Study

I'm running late.  Just like class.

Here are interior previsualizations for a school renovation / expansion project from when I was back at the office.

Interior common and library space
Re-purposed gym (New gym in far background)

Interior lobby

Also, an overall view of the entire scope of the proposed project.

Extruded plan view

You'll notice the plan view has some minimalist areas to differentiate between new spaces and existing.  No confusion as to what's going to get demolished.  Cause certainly, that would never happen on site in real life.

True story (?)

Sunday, September 21, 2014


I have a great opportunity to cut out some artwork.

Dagger unrelated to the Blood Elf I gave up on

Keep an eye out for more posts coming up and coming soon. =D

Thursday, August 28, 2014

DIII Expansion Complete

I finally finished Reaper of Souls.  Actually, I'll admit, this was a while back.
No in depth review cause I missed the boat, but I can say I did have a good time.  I really did.

When I reviewed Diablo III Classic, I only played until the beginning of Act III.  I didn't know how rushed or unpolished the last 2 Acts felt, but my brother said it was kind of meh.  Truthfully, I didn't find it so bad.  Maybe there were changes between the expansion and the initial launch.  Or, it's because I'm a bit of a fan boy.  Moving on,

Who did I pick as my nephalem?

Of course...

Took my sweet time to enjoy all 5 Acts playing the Crusader (Crusaderess?) on normal difficulty, and had fun running around in Sanctuary.  After finishing the final boss, I cranked the difficulty up in adventure mode, but after 2 weeks of hard looting, playtime steadily decreased.  I still drop in for a quick smack and smash here and there, but it's more or less for a casual run.

Overall - 8  Feel good changes / updates and feels more polished as a single player game.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Crackrock Fireplace

I Caved

I'm playing Hearthstone now

I was hoping to hold out until the Android app came out and start at the same time as my buddy (cause our wives own the iPad).

But when he started, it's like, why the hell am I holding out all alone by myself?  Whelp, grab a beer and shuffle some cards.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Entering an old Gate

Downloaded Baldur's Gate on the Nexus 7.  I've never played it before.  So naturally, I'm a total noob.  You know what it feels like?  Going up against a demon with a skimpy sling and string.

I'm out of mana.

Not much protection there, but remember the D&D rules.  An enchanted hair elastic can provide more protection than a 2 inch full plate of armour.

True Story.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Knowing your Origin


Remember Battlefield 1942?  You cant buy it anymore, but if you had the physical copy, you can totally redeem it in Origin just by entering the code.  WHA?

Thursday, July 17, 2014

All Aboard

Nope.  Can't do it with Mischief.

Maybe you could've already told by the uneven outline in the pet cloud.  My hands are just too shaky to get them clean curvy lines.  Whelp, you gotta know when to move on.

On another note, [CTRL] and [Z] is worn out on my keyboard  ='(

All aboard the fail boat

Monday, July 14, 2014

Cloudy Pet

What's a Lalaloopsy girl without her pet?  Just an empty shell.  Let's complete Rainbowsky with her companion:

Rosy Cheeks

A little abstract?  Maybe.  But c'mon, one of them has a an invisible pet.  You can let this slide.  Especially since it's not at all based heavily on an Ikea cloud pillow.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


My little girl's 4th birthday coming up.  She loves Lalaloopsy, so I'm drawing her avatar

Totally mommy's design

I have two other sketches on the go too.  I'm checking out Mischief for those.  I'll post if it doesn't turn out to be a fail.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Lalaloopsy lyrics

lalaloopsy lalaloopsy
give them your love
they'll give you a hug

you can bet your buttons
that they will
fill your world with
lots of fun
an adventure waits
for everyone
a friend for life
they're what you need
one of a kind
they're so sweet

they're sew silly
they'll make you laugh
they're good at that

they magically
came to life
when their very last
stitch was sewn
they have personalities
of their own
a friend for life
they're what you need
one of a kind
oh sew sweet

lalaloopsy lalaloopsy
they'll steal your heart
right from the start

Monday, June 16, 2014

Lighten Up a lil' More

Let's stack 'em renders up again.

It's time to move on.  My own minions are taunting me ='(

Can you, like, animate already??  I want to live!!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Sweeten It

Post # 101.  I missed my centennial cause I wasn't paying attention. OK!  Good job buddy!


On an entirely unrelated note, I'm finalizing the poses.  Here's a sneak peak:

Amazing what you can do when you give yourself challenging but real deadlines.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Minions Cooking

Almost done hammering out all the fine detail for the Genoma chuyt rig.  How's a work in progress render:

I'm being a little too fussy about handles and controllers at this point.  And even over tweaking some visual elements now.  Anyways, will move on to another set of colour palette poses soon.

Looking forward, my next rig would be one based on Bishop, including some sweet lip synching.  Speaking of which, it looks like I'll be animating that with morph maps as opposed to bones.  But, a buddy did point me towards Genoma tendons.  So maybe...


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Some WoW in my pocket

How deep was I into World of Warcraft?  Let's backtrack a bit and revisit some more (notable) lost and found pics from my Pocket PC:

Fem warlock.  Pop quiz!

What is a lady warlock called?  Hint, she can float on water and weighs the same as a duck.  Actually, we've already covered this.  Never mind, and finally:

Paladin.  My first character EVER

This was multimedia piece by nature where I scanned the graphite and refined it by squinting at my PDA while sitting on a park bench.  I had wanted to colour it digitally at first, but ultimately just printed it out.

And went crazy with pencil crayons


I found an "S" logo I tried to make look like the Lordearon coat of arms, but it ultimately didn't turn out.  Fail!

Friday, April 18, 2014


So I got some unexpected help in the world of Sanctuary.  Hehehe.  My brother finally caved and bought Reaper of Souls.  YES!!  Now, we just need an angel (or paingel, whatevs) to come join us and complete the trinity.

No, not this one.  Not chubby enough

If Chubby Bunny actually does pick it up, that'd be awesome.  Just like old times playing Diablo 2.  If I remember correctly, our party was a Paladin, an Amazon a Necromancer.  We'd fire up a game and waste weekends upon weekends dungeon crawling and arguing who gets what loot.  

Good times.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Archives - Pocket PC

Lost and found some sketches on a dusty DVD.  Backups from an old Dell Axim (x30?) and, wut the, damn, we've come a long way with technology...  So far, in fact, it shames me to admit I use to lug around a brick that had a screen resolution of a Lite-Brite.

So what did I draw on a screen the size of a postage stamp?

Sylvan hawk

Gesture 1

Gesture 2

Also found some old documents listing future drawings I'd do when I found the time.  Obviously, I ended up playing StarCraft instead =D.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Lighten Up

Keeping my promise.  Chuyt renders using the raw rig.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

I have a problem

...I cant stop playing ARAMs.

But the good news, productivity-wise, is that I did test through my original chuyt rig and discovered it was not as broken as I first thought.  So after a little more tweaking on the rig, some pose tests.

Quick peek.  Closeups once I fine tune the lighting =D

Regardless, it's time to retire that one and convert to Genoma.  So far the projected date for that is NOT 3 years, despite the plan calling for more test posing.

Unless, of course, there is an expansion to Diablo III coming up...

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Serious Enemy Within

Happy New Year!  Which also means... Steam had their usual Christmas sale.

But I was good this year and only bought 1 thing.  And it was an expansion, AND it was half off...
Fired it up, and it felt like putting on an old shoe.  I thought I'd just continue off the old game, but actually no.  You start have to start all over again.  Which is fine.  But, for this "Second Wave" I'm not going to get too invested in it, just fire and forget.  Actually, I've already gotten more soldiers killed than promoted.  Ooops.

Guess what else I played over the break?

Again, fire and forget.  I didn't pick it up this Christmas.  I was just reminded I bought it waaay back when.  So I installed it and was pleasantly surprised it's still being updated.  Nice!


Make that 2 things I bought.  I cracked on Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition.